
PVC pipe coil packing machine, film wrap machine

PVC pipe coil packing machine, film wrap machine

Thank you for your support and presence along the 2018 year .
We wish you happines and peace , special moments in Christmas time near yours dearest persons .

All the best from my side , from Eurodac Automation team and all the best in the coming year of 2019 .


The way to pack the garden hose by machine

The way to pack the garden hose by machine.

It is a eye through type hose coil packing machinery.

We are sending purchase order 310.2650 for the coil hose packing machine, please confirm us if you received this order and is ok.  We will appreciated send us proform invoice with complete bank information  in order to do the wire transfer.
Anexo la oferta de JINGLIN PACKAGING MACHINERY Co. Ltd en donde están los datos de dirección, teléfono y el tax ID para proceder con la activación de este proveedor.